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By CIVICUS and the Asia Democracy Network (ADN) |
<p>As Thailand&rsquo;s human rights record is examined at the Human Rights Council on 11 November 2021, CIVICUS and the Asia Democracy Network (ADN) call on UN member states to raise serious concerns about Thailand&rsquo;s civic freedoms.</p>
By UN Human Rights Council |
<p>On 10 November&nbsp;2021, Thailand&rsquo;s human rights record will be examined by the UN Human Rights Council&rsquo;s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group for the third time in a meeting that will be&nbsp;<a data-saferedirecturl=";source=gmail&amp;ust=1636188078447000&amp;usg=AFQjCNGJEniuqxGpMNrHdaAe4dfQ9qdzTQ" href="" target="_blank">webcast live</a>.</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p>The&nbsp;<a href="">Thai</a>&nbsp;authorities should promptly and impartially investigate the alleged police torture of two pro-democracy activists in Bangkok and hold those responsible to account, <a href="">Human Rights Watch </a>said yesterday (3 November).&nbsp;</p>
By undersigned organizations (see at the end of the letter) |
<p>In an open letter, civil society organisations raised concern regarding seven migrant workers arrested at Ministry of Labour despite Thailand government&rsquo;s decision on amnesty pending regularization and demand for Protection of the Right to Defend Human Rights of migrant workers.</p>
By Migrant Working Group (MWG) |
<p>The government urged to replace the Minister of Labour to show their responsibility for failure in the management of foreign workers and to address human trafficking, stated the labour rights NGO Migrant Working Group (MWG).</p>
By International Land Coalition (ILC) Asia, Asia Indigenous Peoples’ Pact (AIPP) |
<p>On 27 October 2021, on the opening day of the 2021 Asia Land Forum: Securing Land Rights and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), participants reiterated the important role of using data to monitor the progress of securing land rights in Asia, particularly in accordance with the SDG targets and indicators.</p>
By Amnesty International |
<p>G20 leaders meeting in Rome must put aside greed and selfishness and ensure the fair global distribution of Covid-19 vaccines, said Amnesty International ahead of this year&rsquo;s G20 Summit in Rome, Italy, which takes place from 30-31 October.</p>
By ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) |
<p><a href="">Southeast Asian parliamentarians</a> call on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to use this week&rsquo;s ASEAN Summit to take concrete actions to resolve the disastrous situation in Myanmar, including by immediately engaging with the National Unity Government (NUG).</p>
By Protection International (PI) |
<p>On 12 October 2021, Surachai Trongngam,&nbsp;Theeraphan Phankhiri, and Sanya Chongdeeiad, members of a legal team representing Angkhana Neelapaijit and Anchana Heemmina, two women human rights defenders (WHRDs), attended a civil court hearing to settle issues and schedule witness testimony in a case filed against the Office of the Prime Minister and the Royal Thai Army for damages pursuant to the 1996 Act on the Liability for Wrongful Acts of Officials.</p>
By Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF) |
<p>On 5 October 2021, the Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF) has gone to the Bang Khen Immigration Detention Center to pick up Ms. P, a female migrant worker from Myanmar, who&nbsp;had been remanded in custody being accused of being an alien and worked without the permit.</p>
By Amnesty International, International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) |
<p>Thailand&rsquo;s parliament should amend the draft law on torture and enforced disappearance without delay in order to ensure compliance with Thailand&rsquo;s international legal obligations, said the ICJ and Amnesty International.</p>
By United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) |