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By Harrison George |
<p>In a move that caught observers completely unaware, the National Anti-Corruption Commission has initiated moves to impeach the National Legislative Assembly.</p> <p>Fresh from its victory in impeaching former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, the NACC seems intent on purging Thai politics of all forms of corruption.&nbsp; And in their way of thinking, voting constitutes a form of corruption.&nbsp;</p>
By United Nations Development Programme |
<p><strong>BANGKOK, Thailand, 8 December 2014&nbsp;</strong>– Findings from a recent university survey revealed that a majority of students can identify corruption and integrity, but feel they have no other choice than to participate in corruption when confronted with opportunities to gain an advantage.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a bit of military flummery that nominally provides security for the monarch but in reality keeps the tourist dollars flowing.&nbsp; The sight of humans imitating automatons in ridiculous hats attracts the gawping attention of those in need of regular trivial mental stimulation.</p> <p>At 6 pm every evening a similar change-over occurs in police stations around the country.&nbsp; This attracts no attention at all and the mechanics of it are unknown to the general public.&nbsp;</p> <p>But perhaps they should be.</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>The big issue for the ‘we’re never going away no matter how many deadlines we miss’ PDRC protesters is clearly corruption.&nbsp; This to them is the number one problem facing the nation. &nbsp;It is also the number one failing of the Thaksin clan of cronies and clones, and the reason why the kingdom must be rid them.</p> <p>Now it may come as a horrible shock to anyone who has followed Thai politics for the last 20 years, but Thaksin has not been convicted on a criminal charge of corruption.&nbsp;</p>
By Harrison George |
<p>It’s been a deadly winter for British comedians.&nbsp; John Fortune died on New Year’s Eve, alas, and this week comes news of the death of Roger Lloyd-Pack.&nbsp; So nostalgia has us flipping through some of the best clips and lo and behold, there’s the clue to Thailand’s political problems.</p>
By Brian Knight |
<p>Among all the sociopolitical babble we are constantly faced with is the steady hum of logic &ndash; apparently, however, unheard. Hidden in this unsettling background noise is the issue of opportunity and readiness to avail ourselves of it.</p>
<p>Matichon columnist <a href="">Prasong Wisute</a> devoted <a href=";grpid=no&amp;catid=02">his column</a> on Aug 7 to a graft allegation against one of Thailand&rsquo;s top auditors for having taken a sister and daughter on an official trip to Europe using free THAI tickets. &nbsp;</p>