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By Asaree Thaitrakulpanich |
<div>The police have forced Human Rights Watch to cancel a press conference launching a report about an ethnic minority persecuted by the Vietnamese government, claiming the content is sensitive to bilateral ties and a threat to national security.&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>The event was to take place at 10.30 am on 26 June at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Thailand.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Around ten uniformed police officers and eight plainclothes officers arrived at the FCCT, taking unsolicited pictures of attendees before releasing an official statement on the forced cancella </div>
<p dir="ltr">Thai and foreign human rights organizations issued statements, urging the junta to drop all charges against Dao Din, the anti-coup student activists from northeastern province of Khon Kaen.</p> <p dir="ltr"><span id="docs-internal-guid-712811dd-1fb4-19e8-df2b-9eee9b9ba963">On Monday, the Human Rights Lawyers Association (HRLA) and the Union of Civil Liberty (UCL) issued statements on the judicial harassment against &nbsp;on 19 June which 3 students of the Dao Din, an anti-coup student activist group based in Khon Kaen, were arrested and detained for drawing paintings.</span></p>
By Thai Lawyers for Human Rights |
<div>4 June 2015 - Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) launches a report, “Human Rights One Year After the 2014 Coup: A Judicial Process in Camouflage Under the National Council for Peace and Order.” The report highlights how during the past year, in addition to failing to be a ‘neutral party,’ the military has violated fundamental rights, including the right to freedom of expression. </div>
By International Federation for Human Rights |
<div>Paris, Geneva, 4 June 2015 <strong>-</strong>&nbsp;Thailand’s abuse of Article 112 of the Criminal Code (lèse-majesté) has considerably limited creative expression regarding the Thai monarchy and has led to the imprisonment of several artists and writers, FIDH said in a new report released today.<br /> </div>
By Harrison George |
<p>International pressure is building on Bangladesh and Myanmar to take urgent measures to save boatloads of stranded asylum seekers in danger of death by drowning or starvation in the Bay of Bengal.&nbsp; The ramshackle boats, thought to be loaded with Riphab refugees from Thailand, are organized by people smugglers, who prey on the migrants, often selling them into virtual slavery if they manage to make landfall undetected.&nbsp;</p>
By Thaweeporn Kummetha and Pinpaka Ngamsom |
<div>The boat people from the border between Myanmar and Bangladesh has become a hot potato among the Southeast Asian countries.&nbsp;Prachatai talked with Vivian Tan, the spokesperson of the the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Office in Bangkok, about the role of UNHCR in the issue. &nbsp;</div> <p></p>
By ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) |
<p>JAKARTA,&nbsp;<span data-term="goog_1485817195" tabindex="0">22 May 2015</span>&nbsp;– In the year since the Thai military staged a coup to overthrow the elected government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Thailand has witnessed the entrenchment of authoritarianism and its new leaders have increasingly reneged on their international human rights obligations, ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) said today.<br />&nbsp;</p>
By Thaweeporn Kummetha |
<div>Since the coup on 22 May 2014, about a hundred pro-democracy activists have fled the country because they may end up in jails due to political charges. Aum Neko, a provocative transgender activist, fled to France after the coup and is beginning her new life. Aum tells about her long-term plan abraod and how she will continue to campaign for the Thai democracy.&nbsp;</div> <p></p>
By ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) |
<div>JAKARTA, 21 May 2015 – ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights today welcomed the decision by Indonesia and Malaysia to provide temporary shelter to 7,000 migrants stranded at sea, but continued to demand that regional leaders address the state-sponsored persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar that lies at the root of the mass exodus.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>“Temporary shelter is better than floating coffins, but this agreement is far from what is needed to combat the growing crisis,” said APHR Chairperson Charles Santiago, a member of parliament in Malaysia. </div>
By Amnesty International |
<p>13 May 2015 -- Southeast Asian governments must step up urgent search and rescue efforts to ensure that thousands of people stranded in boats are not left in dire circumstances and at risk of death, Amnesty International said, as another boat carrying hundreds of people thought to be migrants and asylum seekers in desperate conditions is currently awaiting rescue off the Thai coast.</p>
<div><a href="">Khaosod English</a>: Thai officials say they have uncovered yet another abandoned camp used by human smugglers to detain Rohingya refugees near the Malaysian border, the largest of five sites found in a sweep that started at the beginning of the month.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>According to police, the jungle camp is located three kilometers away from the first site found by security officers in Songkhla province on 1 May. </div>
By Sayeed Ahmad |
<div>In May 2014 Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha stated that he wanted “to create an enabling environment that would facilitate the holding of elections” which “ will be free and fair, so that [it] can become a solid foundation for a complete Thai democracy”.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Unfortunately in practice the human rights situation in Thailand is moving in the opposite direction and every action by the military government seems to have the specific purpose of silencing dissent and eliminating any effective opposition. </div>