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By Asian Legal Resource Centre |
<p><em>A written statement submitted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) to the UN Human Rights Council</em></p>
<p>We, the undersigned human rights NGOs, human rights defenders and women human rights defenders of Asia, deeply regret the conviction of Mr. Sam Chankea, provincial coordinator of the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC). Mr. Chankea is a human rights defender active in land rights issues in Kampong Chhnang province. He was charged with defamation under Article 305 of the New Penal Code by the KDC International Company, a development company allegedly owned by Lauk Chumteav Chea Kheng, the wife of the Minister of Mining and Energy in Cambodia.</p>
<p>(9 February 2011, Bangkok) A regional human rights organization condemned the brutal 6 February attack against members of the Ahmadiyah community in Banten, Indoenesia which killed three members of the said community.</p>
By Human Rights and Development Foundation |
<p>MR. Charlie Tiyu, a migrant worker from Myanmar who was illegally chained to his bed whilst receiving treatment for a work-related injury last week, is being supported by Thai rights groups today (7TH FEB 2011) to demand compensation from the Social Security Office's (SSO) Workmen's Compensation Fund (WCF). After a campaign by the Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF), the Immigration Bureau ordered Charlie unchained on 4th Feb 2011 but he remains under custody in the Police General Hospital in Bangkok.</p>
<p>On 3 Feb, the Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF) and networks submitted a petition to Thailand&rsquo;s National Police Chief. The petition demands the unchaining of Charlie Deeyu, a migrant worker from Myanmar who was severely injured in a work accident and is hospitalized under custody at Bangkok&rsquo;s Police General Hospital pending deportation.</p>
By Asian Human Rights Commission |
<p>On 21 January 2011 at the Criminal Court on Ratchadaphisek Road in Bangkok, representatives of all parties involved in the criminal proceedings in the case of the 12 March 2004 forcible disappearance of human rights lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit gathered expecting to hear the verdict of the Appeal Court concerning the conviction of one out of the five accused. One Thai and one international observer from the Asian Human Rights Commission joined other observers from Thai nongovernmental organizations, international nongovernmental organizations, and several embassies who monitored the hearing.</p>
By Asian Human Rights Commission |
<p>A group of 85 persons have been in detention in Bangkok since December 14, 2010 despite the fact that they are already registered as asylum seekers with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Bangkok. Of the 85 persons, 17 of them have reportedly had their applications accepted and have been granted refugee status. The group includes 38 women and girls, among whom there is at least one pregnant woman. It also includes at least 38 children, including 26 aged under 10 years. There is also a number of babies and elderly one of whom is 60 and is suffering high blood pressure and another person with a heart condition. </p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p><em>Government Rhetoric and Pledges Not Matched by Actions in 2010</em></p> <p>(New York, January 25, 2011) &ndash; The government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva of Thailand failed to fulfill its pledges to hold human rights abusers accountable in 2010, a turbulent year for the country, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2011. At least 90 people died and 2,000 were injured in street battles in Bangkok between March and May.</p>
By Benjamin Zawacki |
<p>D&eacute;j&agrave; vu is a French term meaning &ldquo;already seen&rdquo;.&nbsp; Refoulement is also French, with a literal meaning of &ldquo;force back&rdquo;.&nbsp; Upon receiving a report on Christmas day that Thai authorities had just forced back 166 refugees to Myanmar, I knew that I had seen this before&mdash;on Christmas 2009 in fact.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
By Cross Culture Foundation |
<p><em>Seven years past, yet no progress made, public left at their own devices,&nbsp; culprits are at large </em></p> <p>On December 22, 2010, the spokesperson of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) announced the decision to determine the alleged offences against Pol.Gen. Bhanupong Singhara Na Ayuthaya and other 18 officials, regarding the abuse of power and violation of the rights of alleged offenders in the gun robbery taking place at the Fourth Development Military Battalion, the Krom Luang Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Military Camp on January 4, 2004, the incidence of which has led to the onslaught of violence and conflicts in Thailand&rsquo;s Deep South causing widespread damage and loss of lives among government officials and innocent people. Until now, the death toll has climbed over 4,000.</p>
By Justice for Peace Foundation |
<p>Bangkok &ndash; Today (December 23, 2010) is the very day The Convention for Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance become effective, after Iraq has ratified this convention as 20th nation on November 23, 2010.</p>
By Asian Human Rights Commission |
<p>The Asian Human Rights Commission has obtained information that immigration authorities have taken into custody at least 85 persons from Pakistan who are seeking asylum. The group includes babies, small children, pregnant women, and the sick and elderly. The persons have registered with the United Nations for asylum and so far 17 have reportedly been officially recognized as refugees.</p>