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After the fatal shooting of Roning Dolah, a Pattani-based activist working on rehabilitation support for torture survivors, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International Thailand have called on the Thai government to investigate his death.

Roning Dolah

Roning was shot and killed by two unidentified men in front of his house in Pattani’s Yarang district at around 21.00 on Tuesday night (25 June). He was a Thai massage therapist and coordinator for Duay Jai Group, a civil society organization working to provide rehabilitation support for torture survivors in the Deep South.

Pornpen Khongkachonkiet, Director of the Cross-Cultural Foundation (CrCF), said that Roning was detained by military officers at Fort Ingkhayutthaborihan several years ago, during which he was allegedly subjected to torture. He provided information to CrCF about his experience as torture survivor, and volunteered to work to provide support for other survivors.

Pornpen said that Roning had been arrested at least 5 times and has been subjected to torture twice, but he was never charged or imprisoned. He lived with his wife and children, as well as the children of his older brother, who is now imprisoned on a charge relating to national security.

Pornpen said that CrCF and the Duay Jai Group, which are now working on a lawsuit filed by relatives of the victims of the Tak Bai Massacre against several government officials, see Roning’s murder as harassment against human rights defenders in the area. Although it is unclear whether Roning was murdered as retaliation against the two organizations’ work, Pornpen said Roning had no personal conflicts.

Following Roning’s death, Amnesty International Thailand and Human Rights Watch called on the Thai government to investigate the shooting. Chanatip Tatiyakaroonwong, Amnesty International’s Thailand Researcher, said that the shooting “highlights the dangers faced by human rights defenders” in the Deep South.

“The Thai authorities must carry out a prompt, transparent, independent and effective investigation into Roning’s death and bring the perpetrators to justice in a manner consistent with international human rights law.”

“Such an investigation is essential not only for delivering justice for Roning and his loved ones, but also to prevent this incident from having a chilling effect on human rights activism in this region of Thailand,” he said.

Meanwhile, Elaine Pearson, Human Rights Watch’s Asia Director, said that the murder “underscores that anyone who speaks out for justice in Thailand’s Deep South is at risk.” She called for an urgent and transparent investigation and for those responsible for Roning’s death to be brought to justice.

Roning’s murder is a “crucial test” of Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin’s pledge to promote and protect human rights, which he made in speeches to the Thai parliament and the UN General Assembly in September 2023, Human Rights Watch said, noting that the Thai authorities have done little to address threats and violence against those reporting human rights violations, despite its intention to run for a seat on the UN Human Rights Council.

“The Srettha government should promptly act to reverse the deepening climate of fear in Thailand’s deep south by showing that those responsible for killing Roning will be held to account,” Pearson said. “Thai authorities should take concrete measures to protect the rights of ethnic Malay Muslims to speak out about state-sponsored abuses and demand justice.”

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