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A 28-year-old man has been found guilty of royal defamation and given a suspended prison sentence over a Facebook profile picture posted in July 2021.

Woraphon Anantasak (Photo from Thai Lawyers for Human Rights)

Woraphon Anantasak, a food delivery rider and former Move Forward Party MP candidate from Chumphon, was charged with royal defamation and violation of the Computer-Related Crime Act for allegedly posting as his Facebook profile picture a photo of himself wearing a white polo shirt wearing a garland of marigold with an image of a black ribbon in a corner of the picture. The photo also has a caption, which the public prosecutor said was false and defamatory towards the King.

Woraphon was summoned to report to the police in December 2022 and was indicted in September 2023. Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) noted that he was charged after applying to run in a by-election in Chumphon in January 2022, and not immediately after the post was published.

TLHR said that, on Wednesday (26 June), the Chumphon Provincial Court found Woraphon guilty of royal defamation and violation of the Computer Crimes Act. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison, later reduced to 2 years and suspended for 5 years because he pleaded guilty. The Court also said that, although his action is a serious crime against the monarchy, it could not damage the people’s faith in the monarchy. He also showed remorse in his action and is not likely to repeat his offense. The Court therefore believes he deserves a chance to improve himself and adjust his attitude about the monarchy.

The Court placed Woraphon on probation for 3 years, during which time he has to report to a probation officer 9 times and perform 48 hours of community service. Over this time period, the Court prohibited him from socializing or acting in a way that could lead to him repeating his offence. He must also join activities relating to the monarchy as required by his probation officer. 

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