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<p><a href="">Supporting Letter from&nbsp; 35 members of Congress to USTR in case of Compulsory Licensing Use</a>, call for remove Thailand from the Special 301 Priority Watch List.</p>
By Ron Corben |
<p><span>BANGKOK, Jun 20 (IPS) - Deposed Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra has been ordered back to Thailand from self-exile to hear formal charges of concealing assets in a family property company or face arrest. <br /></span></p>
By Lynette Lee Corporal |
<p><span>BANGKOK, Jun 21 (IPS) - Setting quotas designed to have more women in politics and government may not have been the magic formula for more balanced political representation in many countries, but it has certainly been a key first step in many cases. </span></p>
<p>According to an article in The Nation newspaper of June 12, the attorney general of Thailand has proposed to increase the powers of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) under the justice ministry so that the department could overrule the public prosecutor in cases where the latter decides not to go to court on the basis of its inquiries.</p>
By Analysis by Marwaan Macan-Markar |
<p><span>BANGKOK, Jun 15 (IPS) - The soldiers assigned to provide security for students and teachers at a school in the violence-torn southern province of Yala on Friday were part of a new plan by the military-appointed government in Bangkok. But they never made it. <br /></span></p>
By Marwaan Macan-Markar |
<p><span>BANGKOK, Jun 14 (IPS) - A chat room on a popular Thai-language website is drawing visitors over a troubling question: Will ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra be assassinated when he returns home? </span></p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p>A new surge of violent attacks on teachers and schools by separatist militants has seriously disrupted education in Thailand&#39;s southern border provinces, Human Rights Watch said today.</p>
By Act Up-Paris |
<p>Pharmaceutical company Abbott decided to sue PLWAs group Act Up-Paris in <br />response to the April 26th, 2007 netstrike we organized against the drug <br />manufacturer</p>
<p>Following repeated threats by ministers and members of Parliament<br />over the past three years to control online content, the Malaysian<br />government is setting up a task force to look into applying<br />existing legislation on the new media without contravening the<br />country&#39;s Bill of Guarantee against Internet censorship.</p>
By Diego Cevallos |
<p><span>MEXICO CITY, Jun 13 (IPS) - Large developing nations like China, India and Mexico should sign a new international treaty to curb climate change which must include economic penalties to clamp down on emissions of greenhouse gases, Nobel chemistry laureate Mario Molina said Wednesday.<br /></span><a href=""></a></p>
By Analysis by John Feffer |
<p><span>WASHINGTON, Jun 13 (IPS) - The coup in Thailand, extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, limitations on religious freedom in Malaysia -- South-east Asian democracies are not exactly flourishing these days.</span></p>
<p>At the end of May, a member of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Thailand told the court investigating the killings that the victims were unarmed and there was no evidence that they were insurgents, as claimed by the police. The inquest will continue on 21 September 2007.</p>