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<p>Well-known historian&nbsp;Charnvit Kasetsiri&nbsp;calls on the PM to adopt Siam as country's name, abolish the Senate, and restore Thonburi province.</p>
<p><span class="Apple-style-span">Three ISPs, including TOT ADSL, Kasetsart University and Buddy Broadband, have been blocking FACT since at least noon on April 25 and at least TOT was redirecting users via transparent proxy to a blank blockpage at Thailand&rsquo;s ICT ministry.</span></p>
<p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="MsoNormal" /> normal"&gt;<span lang="EN-GB" /> mso-fareast-font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB"&gt;On Apr 24, Papatchanan Ching-in, leader of a group of red-shirts in Nakhon Ratchasima province, reported to police after arrest warrant had been issued for her by the provincial court on the previous day.</span></p>
<p><span class="Apple-style-span">On Apr 24, the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology sent an e-mail to inform internet service providers (ISPs) of its unblocking of red-shirted websites, noting the situation has returned to normal.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="EN-GB" /> mso-ansi-language:EN-GB"&gt;&nbsp;</span></p>
<p><span>The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you out of concern that the selection process for a new National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Thailand is being rushed through in a highly undemocratic manner, without any public consultation or accountability and contrary to the basic principles that the NHRC is supposed to represent.</p>
<p><em>A respected senior historian sent Prachatai a letter he wrote to his foreign friends to share his feelings after he had traveled a long way to join the red-shirted rally in Bangkok. &nbsp;Don&rsquo;t believe the clich&eacute;s that say the red-shirts are all rural poor who have been hooked by Thaksin&rsquo;s populism. &nbsp;This academic is in no way a Thaksin admirer. &nbsp;His name is withheld by Prachatai to save him hassles from his sarcastic peers.</em></p>
<p><span class="Apple-style-span">On Apr 21, a group of human rights activists and academics called on a senate committee to examine the qualifications of seven prospective human rights commissioners who had been selected by a committee of judges and parliamentarians, and nominated to the Senate for endorsement.</span></p>
By SOUTH KOREA: Court acquits blogger known as &quot;Minerva&quot; |
<p>Reporters Without Borders welcomes blogger Park Dae-sung's<br /> acquittal by the Seoul central district court on 20 April 2009 on charges<br /> of affecting &quot;foreign exchange markets&quot; and undermining &quot;the nation's<br /> credibility&quot; by posting false information online. Prosecutors had requested<br /> an 18-month prison sentence for Park, who is better known by his blog name<br /> of &quot;Minerva.&quot;</p> <p>&quot;This acquittal is a sign that the South Korean courts are capable of</p>
By Thai Netizen Network |
<p>Thai Netizen Network (TNN) would like to express our deepest regret with regard to the political conflict that intensified until it led to the loss of lives and properties, and the government's enforcement of the Emergency Decree on Government Administration In States of Emergency B.E. 2548, which infringes upon citizens' rights and freedoms by controlling Internet media. The government has blocked numerous websites that offer viewpoints that differ from those in power, pursuant to news report that the ICT Ministry has ordered censorship of over 60 websites (details in the Appendix).</p>
<p>On April 18, Matichon reported that police arrested Thossaporn Ruethaiprasertsung, 48, at a photocopying shop in Nakhon Ratchasima, and seized several leaflets whose contents reportedly were offensive to the monarchy and the Privy Council.<br /> &nbsp;</p>
<p>Thai authorities are going after pro-Thaksin broadcast stations.<br /> Police raided three radio stations and a TV station, seizing<br /> equipment and arresting personnel, media reports said.</p> <p>The &quot;Bangkok Post&quot; also reported that the Internal Security<br /> Operations Command (ISOC) ordered all community radio stations to<br /> refrain from broadcasting messages that might cause political<br /> unrest on pain of facing closure.</p> <p>Police raided a radio station in Chiang Mai province operated by</p>
<p>Sondhi Limthongkul, founder of Thai media conglomerate<br /> ASTV-Manager Daily and a staunch opponent of former prime minister Thaksin<br /> Shinawatra, was seriously injured in an early morning ambush on 17 April<br /> 2009 in Bangkok, media reports said.</p> <p>&quot;The Nation&quot; said that Sondhi was onboard his Toyota van with his driver,<br /> bodyguard and secretary on their way to the ASTV-Manager Daily in Phra<br /> Arthit Road when two gunmen aboard a pick-up truck overtook their vehicle</p>