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By Pravit Rojanaphruk, The Nation |
<p>The week-long Vegetarian Food Festival, which comes to an end today [4 Oct], should have shed some light on the plight of animals that are advertised as being &quot;happy&quot; to be consumed.</p>
By State Enterprise Workers Relations Confederation |
<p>1st September 2011, 43 years after Thailand signed the International Labour Organisation&rsquo;s Convention (C-19) on the Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation), the General Secretary of Thailand&rsquo;s State Enterprise Workers Relations Confederation (SERC) submits a petition to the ILO pertaining to the failure of the Royal Thai Government to impose nondiscriminatory practice on migrant workers&rsquo; access to Workmen&rsquo;s compensation Fund (WCF). The RTG proposed the &ldquo;private insurance scheme&rdquo; for migrant workers instead of providing access the WCF.</p>
By Labour rights groups |
<p>Since 2009, a number of migrant workers from Burma have undergone nationality verification process and become legal migrant workers in Thailand. In almost two years of the implementation, the policy has been set out clearly by the Royal Thai Government to pursue the legalization process and to ensure that migrant workers passing through the nationality verification attain equal rights to their Thai counterparts, particularly regarding social security. </p>
By Sutthida Malikaew |
<p>MMV/Thailand&mdash;At home, you may have a domestic worker from Myanmar, Laos or Cambodia. When going outside, one who waits in a restaurant may also be a person from those countries. We can also find them working on construction sites, fisheries, agricultural and industrial sectors. They are &ldquo;migrant workers&rdquo;, which now are necessary for Thai society and who we find in almost every place we spend our daily life. They also play an important role in driving the Thai economy.</p>
By Mekong Migration Network and Acition Network for Migrants |
<p>On Monday 4th April 2011, Thailand witnessed another terrible road accident. 16 Burmese migrant workers were killed and nearly 50 injured when the truck that they were packed onto collided with another truck in Samut Sakorn Province, near Bangkok, Thailand. The workers were on their way to work at a food processing factory in Mahachai. Many of these workers had followed the new rules and regulations to have their nationality verified and held temporary passports.</p>
<p>At 7am on 4th April 2011, a two-row seater bus carrying more than 70 migrants from Myanmar was hit by a 10-wheeler truck in the no parking zone central lanes of a major highway leading into Bangkok in Samut Sakorn Province in Central Thailand. 16 workers were killed in this tragedy and more than 50 were treated for their injuries in hospital.</p>
By National Union of Transport Equipment &amp; Allied Ind.Workers, Malaysia |
<p>The Union is appalled by the reaction of Asahi Kosei (M) Sdn.Bhd., a subsidiary of Asahi Kosei Japan Co. Ltd, in going after persons who highlighted the plight of Burmese migrant workers who work in the company&rsquo;s factory. We call for the immediate withdrawal of the threat of a legal suit demanding RM10,000,000-00 from Mr. Charles Hector for highlighting worker rights and human rights violation that were happening to the said 31 workers. </p>
By Asian Human Rights Commission |
<p><em>The Asian Human Rights Commission has written an open letter to Asahi Kosei (M) Sdn. Bhd. Company in Malaysia in protest against its possible move to take legal action for libel against migrant labour rights advocate Charles Hector. </em></p>
By The Council of Work and Environment Related Patient’s Network of Thailand |
<p>According to press statements issued by the Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF), Mr. Charlee Diyo, a 33 year old migrant worker from Myanmar, had a work related accident and continues to suffer from occupational injuries which caused severe damage to his intestines. After an operation, his intestines remain outside of his body. He also has a broken pelvis that is causing him intense pain as his treatment continues in the Police General Hospital in Bangkok.</p>
<p>We, the undersigned <u>69</u> organizations, groups and networks are shocked at how&nbsp;&nbsp; Asahi Kosei (M) Sdn Bhd has unjustly treated its workers, in particular the 31 Burmese Migrant Workers, working at the factory at Lot 3377, Jalan Perusahaan Utama, Taman Industri Selesa Jaya, 43300 Balakong, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.</p>
By Human Rights and Development Foundation |
<p>MR. Charlie Tiyu, a migrant worker from Myanmar who was illegally chained to his bed whilst receiving treatment for a work-related injury last week, is being supported by Thai rights groups today (7TH FEB 2011) to demand compensation from the Social Security Office's (SSO) Workmen's Compensation Fund (WCF). After a campaign by the Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF), the Immigration Bureau ordered Charlie unchained on 4th Feb 2011 but he remains under custody in the Police General Hospital in Bangkok.</p>
<p>We, the undersigned 53 organizations, groups and networks are appalled that the Malaysian Government is now asking about 1.5 million migrant workers themselves, and not their employers, to buy a new Foreign Workers Hospitalisation and Surgical Insurance. If these migrant workers do not do so, the Malaysian government is threatening not to renew their work permits. The Malaysian Health Minister, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, also stated that the worker&rsquo;s work permits will not be renewed if there are outstanding hospital bills.</p>