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By Human Rights Watch |
Human Rights Watch has called on the Thai government to release Y Quynh Bdap, a Montagnard religious freedom activist and refugee, and ensure that he will not be sent back to Vietnam, where he faces a risk of an unfair trial and ill-treatment by Vietnamese authorities.
By Prachatai |
Human rights organizations have demanded an independent investigation after a Lao activist was shot and killed in a Vientiane coffee shop on Saturday (29 April).
By Human Rights Watch |
<p>The Thai and Cambodian authorities have failed to investigate the disappearance of Thai activist in exile Wanchalearm Satsaksit, who was abducted from his residence in Phnom Penh on 4 June 2020, says Human Rights Watch.&nbsp;</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p>Human Rights Watch calls on the Thai authorities to ensure access to adequate protective measures and healthcare in detention facilities, as detainees are now at grave risk from Covid-19 outbreaks.&nbsp;</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p>&nbsp;<a href="">Thai</a>&nbsp;authorities should immediately investigate the killing of Somsak Onchuenjit, a lawyer and land rights activist, in Trang province in southern Thailand, Human Rights Watch said on Saturday (8 May).&nbsp;</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p><a href="">Thailand&rsquo;s&nbsp;</a>government in 2020 escalated its repression of basic rights in the face of a growing, youth-led democracy movement demanding political and constitutional reforms, <a href="">Human Rights Watch</a> said on Wednesday (13 January) in its&nbsp;<a href="">World Report 2021</a>.</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Thai</a>&nbsp;police unnecessarily used water cannons and teargas against peaceful democracy demonstrators outside the parliament in Bangkok on November 17, 2020, in violation of international human rights standards, <a href="">Human Rights Watch</a> said yesterday (19 November).</p>
By Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch |
<p>Following the report of a court order to <a href="">suspend</a>&nbsp;Voice TV&#39;s online platforms, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have issued statements on the government&#39;s attempt to shut down media outlets.&nbsp;</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p>The&nbsp;Thai&nbsp;government&rsquo;s declaration of a state of emergency in Bangkok is a pretext for a crackdown on peaceful demonstrations, <a href="">Human Rights Watch</a> said yesterday (15 October).</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p>The&nbsp;<a data-saferedirecturl=";source=gmail&amp;ust=1599125955550000&amp;usg=AFQjCNGbT1Kpp_30zhnvOCHOtpNTq8IFog" href="" target="_blank">Myanmar</a>&nbsp;authorities should immediately drop the charge against the free-speech activist and poet Maung Saungkha, seven international human rights organizations said today (2 September).</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p>Thai&nbsp;authorities should immediately drop all charges and unconditionally release prominent pro-democracy activists arbitrarily detained for their role in peaceful protests, Human Rights Watch said on 20 August.</p>