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By The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) |
<p>The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights statement urges&nbsp;state and public to tolerate, respect, protect and upheld freedom of&nbsp;expression toward the monarchy. The peaceful, unarmed expression and questionings are important in democratic regime.</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Thai</a>&nbsp;authorities should immediately and unconditionally release prominent human rights lawyer Anon Nampha and democracy activist Panupong Jadnok, <a href="">Human Rights Watch</a> said on Saturday (8 August).</p>
By ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights |
<p>Regional lawmakers today called on Thai authorities to immediately and unconditionally drop charges against human rights lawyer Anon Nampa and student activist Panupong Jadnok, and to ensure that all those participating in peaceful protests can do so without fear of reprisals.&nbsp;</p>
By Amnesty International |
<p>Following the arrest of human rights lawyer Anon Nampa and student activist Panupong Jadnok earlier today, Amnesty International called on the Thai authorities to drop charges against the pair and to end the crackdown on freedom of expression as well as ensure the safety of those involved in protests.&nbsp;</p>
By Prachatai |
<p>Human rights lawyer Anon Nampa and student activist Panupong Jadnok are now under arrest on sedition charges under Section 116 of the Criminal Code and for violating the Emergency Decree after they took part in the <a href="">mass protest</a> on 18 July. &nbsp;</p>
By Thai Lawyers for Human Rights |
<p>The mass protest on 18 July sparked a wave of youth-led protest which is sweeping across the country. However, Thai Lawyers for Human Rights says that their call to end harassment is backfiring as protestors are facing forms of intimidation and pressure from the authorities.&nbsp;</p>
By Chatchai Mongkol |
<p>Despite attempts at intervention at all levels by state agents, student-led protests against dictatorship have continued nationwide for a second consecutive week.</p>
By Amnesty International |
<p><a href="">Amnesty International</a> issued a letter today (31 July) to the Royal Thai police to urge them to not arbitrarily interfere with peaceful public assemblies and called on the police to&nbsp; to discharge their positive obligations to ensure and facilitate respect for human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.</p>
By Prachatai |
<p>Following the mass protest at the Democracy Monument on Saturday (18 July), two more student protests took place in Ubon Ratchathani and Chiang Mai on Sunday (19 July), also demanding the dissolution of parliament, constitutional reform, and for the authorities to stop harassing those who exercise their freedom of expression.</p>
By Prachatai |
<p>The student group Free Youth Movement organized a public demonstration at the Democracy Monument on the evening of Saturday (18 July) to protest against the government and call for the dissolution of parliament and constitutional amendments, and for the authorities to stop harassing citizens exercising freedom of expression</p>
By Prachatai |
<p>The cabinet decided today (30 June) to extend the State of Emergency to the end of July, even though Thailand has now gone over a month without any cases of local transmission of Covid-19.&nbsp;</p>