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A group of Thai and foreign students from various universities in Japan, approximately 20 students, on Tuesday organised a symbolic protest against the recent military coup, the military’s assumption of power in an illegitimate means, the curbing of freedom of expression, particularly among academics and media, as well as the continued arrests and detentions of critics of the coup, some of whom are university students.
The protesters wore masks representing those who are behind the political movements against the coup, politicians, academics, political prisoners or even the coup makers themselves. Additionally, the protesters read a number of books, as an expression of their discontentment against the prohibition of free throught about the coup, and raised their three fingers to symbolise the support for liberty, equality and fraternity.
This group of students are calling for the military regime to stop the detention, imprisonment and violation of basic human rights of those disagreeing with the coup. They must refrain from violating the right of academics and media in expressing their opinions freely. They also urged the coup makers to return power the the people as soon as possible so that the elections, in the democratic framework, would be held accordingly.
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