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Please join the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and friends on Monday 25 May at 6pm in front of the building of the Sri Lankan embassy at Ocean Tower 2, 75/6-7 Sukhumvit Soi 19 for a peace vigil organized in remembrance of the lost lives during the conflict between the government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). On this same day in Geneva, the UN Human Rights Council will hold a special session on the human rights situation in Sri Lanka, marking an important and timely debate between government and civil society which we hope will lead to a strong resolution.

As the world witnessed the conclusion of a 26-year civil war between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Sri Lankan army, the ongoing battle for human rights continues. The major responsibility of the Sri Lankan government and the international community now rests on the safe and efficient resettlement of the hundreds of thousands displaced Sri Lankans. As an immediate result of the armed conflict, an estimation of over 280,000 internally displaced people are living in crowded camps with limited supplies and poor living standards. Freedom of movement has been limited by the government and international aid agencies are yet to be granted full access to all the civilians in need of medical attention and bare necessities.

Just as pressing is regional unity and solidarity in calling for an end to the impunity under which government officials in Sri Lanka have been conducting themselves for the past three decades. The government must immediately allow full access for international and humanitarian aid agencies to the internally displaced people and a full investigation by international missions.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has declared that, “"There are no minority communities in this country. There are only two communities, one that loves this country and another that does not." The statement poses danger as all we ask for is the recognition and respect of the minority Tamil population in Sri Lanka. To ensure a future of peace for Sri Lanka, the equal rights and value of human rights for all civilians, including minorities is the key.

Please come as we have more to say on Monday. FORUM-ASIA will be making an important statement on the Sri Lanka situation.

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