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By Prachatai |
The police are planning to charge Prachatai reporter Nutthaphol Meksobhon and independent photojournalist Natthaphon Phanphongsanon as principals in the case of damaging a historic site and vandalizing a public wall, instead of as accomplices, for covering an incident in March 2023 where an activist sprayed protest graffiti onto the wall of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.
By Prachatai |
On World Press Freedom Day, Prachatai and UNESCO organised a panel discussion on Press Freedom in Thailand after the NCPO Junta and the Next Step towards Protection, to reflect on the deterioration in global press freedom and the problem of the justice system being used to silence the media, especially in Thailand.
By Prachatai |
For this year’s World Press Freedom Day, Prachatai and UNESCO invite you to attend a seminar on “Media freedom in Thailand post-election amidst environmental crisis and the path towards anti-SLAPP law” at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand (FCCT) on 3 May 2024, 13.00 – 16.00.
By Reporters Without Borders (RSF) |
A representative of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has been detained for six hours and deported on arrival from Hong Kong to monitor the trial of publisher Jimmy Lai, who is currently facing possible life imprisonment for "endangering national security," and meet with local journalists. RSF noted that this action by the Hong Kong authorities is unprecedented for its representatives and marks a new decline in press freedom in Hong Kong.
By Prachatai |
Nattaphon “Yah” Phanphongsanon, a photographer for the online news outlet Spacebar, has been sued for defamation by Senator Seree Suwanpanont, over his coverage of an incident in 2023 where activists distributed leaflets, calling on senators to respect the people’s voice during the last prime ministerial vote.
By Reporters Without Borders (RSF). |
After the body of jailed Myanmar journalist Myat Thu Tun was found buried, reportedly marked with gunshot wounds and signs of torture, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the international community to take action to force the Myanmar junta to cease its "campaign of terror" against reporters and release detained journalists and press freedom defenders.  
By Reporters Without Borders (RSF) |
Following the arrest of Nutthaphol Meksobhon, a Prachatai reporter, and photographer Natthaphon Phanphongsanon, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) issued a statement calling for the Thai authorities to drop the charges against them and to end harassment of journalists.
The Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) and CIVICUS has issued a statement raising concerns about the Thai government's prosecution of activists and journalists. They also called the Thai government to drop charges against activists, journalists, and human rights defenders, end its practice of judicial harassment, and review and repeal its repressive laws.
By Prachatai |
Following the arrest of Prachatai reporter Nutthaphol Meksobhon and Spacebar photographer Natthaphon Phanphongsanon, civil society organizations, academics, students, and MPs have issued statements condemning the arrest as a threat to press freedom and demanded their release.
By Reporters Without Borders (RSF) |
Three years after its coup, the Myanmar junta is stepping up its ruthless crackdown on journalists. The army has summarily killed four journalists, and more than 150 media professionals have been locked up. Reporters are facing increasingly harsh prison sentences. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the international community to step up the pressure on the military regime to secure their release.
By Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA) |
On 2 November, the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA), along with 19 other civil society organizations, issued a statement calling for the Cambodian government to conduct independent and transparent investigations of all crimes committed against journalists and human rights defenders in Cambodia.