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By Prachatai |
Human Rights lawyer Anon Nampa was found guilty yesterday (25 July) of royal defamation and violation of the Computer Crimes Act for two Facebook posts made in January and February 2021 criticizing the King’s exercise of power, bringing his cumulative prison sentence for royal defamation to over 14 years.
By Prachatai |
Activists in Chiang Mai have filed petitions addressed to the President of the Supreme Court, the Region 5 Chief Justice, and the Move Forward Party calling for bail for political prisoners detained for royal defamation.
By Prachatai |
Members of the activist group "Ratsadon Chiang Rai" submitted a letter to Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, urging the government to expedite bail rights for political detainees, as promised by the Pheu Thai Party during their campaign.
By Prachatai |
Seven human rights organizations called on the Thai government to immediately release and drop charges against individuals arbitrarily detained for exercising their right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly and repeal or amends laws used to stifle dissent, as well as conduct an inviestigation into the death of activist Netiporn Sanesangkhom, who died in custody following a long hunger strike to demand the release of political prisoners.
By Prachatai |
One month after the death of activist Netiporn Sanesangkhom, who died in prison following a long hunger strike, activists marched to the Supreme Court to demand the release of political prisoners and amnesty for those prosecuted for political expression. Meanwhile, the Corrections Hospital continues to refuse to hand over CCTV footage of Netiporn’s resuscitation to her family.
By Prachatai |
The Supreme Court today (4 June) sentenced activist Nutchanon Pairoj to 1 month in prison, suspended for 2 years, and a fine of 500 baht on a contempt of court charge relating to a protest on 29 April 2021 at the Criminal Court.
By Prachatai |
A network of civil society organisations and activist groups has called on the government to investigate the death of detained activist Netiporn Sanesangkhom, and to release all political prisoners held in pre-trial detention.
By Prachatai |
On Sunday evening (12 May), activists staged a protest near Khaosan Road, one of Bangkok’s famous nightlife districts and tourist landmarks, to demand the release of political prisoners.
By Prachatai |
Protests took place last week in Chiang Mai’s old town to show support for detained human rights lawyer Anon Nampa and demand the release of activists and protesters detained on charges relating to political expression.
A network of 13 civil society organizations is planning to propose an amnesty bill for those facing charges for taking part in political protests since 2006, including those charged with royal defamation.
By Prachatai |
The Ratchadapisek Criminal Court has found three activists guilty of insult of court and sentenced them to prison for speeches given during a protest in April 2021 to demand the release of political prisoners.
By Prachatai |
<p>Activists Tantawan Tuatulanon and Orawan Phuphong have once again been admitted to Thammasat University Hospital as their condition has worsened following 44 days on hunger strike.</p>